Monday, September 29, 2003

What is Christianity?

I'm preparing to do another membership class for our church. The material always seems so dry. The section on salvation, which assures both the member and us that they are a Christian, always seems too sterile.

Here are some thoughts I had. They may not be right. They are in development.

Three ways you can tell you are a Christian. All three of these should play out in your life. If they aren't, I suppose you may still be a follower of Christ, but you are certainly missing out. We miss out because we afraid to test (to trust, to stand on) my faith.

Christianity should force you to live out an heroic life. Why are all the heroic stories in the Old Testament? Why does Jesus say He came to set the prisoners free? Did he mean in court or in battle (maybe both)? Did He not call us to the same mission? We often settle for martyr instead. Heroes can be martyred. But we often just sacrifice ourselves with no attempt at a valiant rescue. Heroes are courageous. Heroes are full of passion. Heroes are usually humble. Heroes inspire others. We were created in the image of God for significance. Why not a hero? It isn't that hard to be a hero at least to somebody.

Christianity should fill your life with joy. This is elusive for most of us. Most of us are stressed. Most of us are sapped. But the Bible tells us that followers of Christ are filled with joy. This isn't happiness or comfort. Joy comes from the victory of heroes. Joy comes from the comaraderie of journey companions, thrilled with each other's progress and accomplishments. Joy comes from the realization that the King Leader (Jesus) pointed us in the right direction to miss much of the suffering that was possible.

Finally Christianity Sees Results. The Bible is full of "fruit" stories. You can tell a Christian by the fruit of his/her life.

These are just unprocessed thoughts that I wanted to record. You might ask, what does the above have to do with Salvation.

Let me add these thoughts.

You are saved when you start following the Risen, Living Son of God, Jesus Christ, through life. To do this, you have to recognize who He is. You have to stop being selfish because you want be able to follow Him if you are following your desires. Those are two different trails.

Is it possible to follow Jesus, turned away from selfishness, and then when you see Jesus acting in someone else's life to simply turn away and wait till He's done? Not act heroic? Not be filled with joy? Not participate in the results of a changed life? I suppose. Why would you want to?

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