Thursday, June 03, 2004

Pointless Rambling So I Can Have A Current Blog Entry

Most of this week's blogging has been in Brant Hansen's comment section. I have been unusually debative (is that a word) on the subject of the war in Iraq.

We are about to start building our local Habitat for Humanity house. I'm very excited to see it accomplished.

We have finished the inspections on our proposed property. I suspect that we will go forward with the project, but there is a minor hitch in the roof which I should find out more about this afternoon.

The next major obstacle for the building is we need to raise around $35,000 in cash before July 1. I am optimistic though I know that it will take God's Spirit and sacrificial hearts. We will also need to raise monthly support in order to pay the utility bills, etc.

My friend, Travis Bodden, was ordained last night. He is a top notch guy. I'm very proud of him.

I have three weddings lined up for this summer.

Midwest Church Planting is starting to move. It is subtle but I can see some things happening. Fran Leeman has three potential church planters. Eddie Hammond is seeing the beginnings of a church plant in Russia. So far I haven't discerned any rumblings around here... or have I seen one? Maybe.

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