Kinship II
There is definitely a kinship among many of the blogs I've seen. Some names continue to get repeated on almost every blogroll. Are these famous blogs or is there a kinship? From my reading, I would say there is a relationship. In some ways, it feels like these are the cool kids and now a bunch of others have started hanging around the place, as if by association, they are cool kids too.

Who's cool?
David Hopkins is cool. David is listed on so many blogrolls.
Is there a kinship issue? Here is a quote from David's blog:
No fault to Brian McLaren. He was addressing older folks and not really "targeting" me. Brian is a nice guy, but I've come to a point where I don't feel like I belong within that game and that language. I try to follow/priviledge/enact the message of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God, but I'm tired of being "about" stuff. I'm tired of the authority structures, localized church celebrities, and marketing the next big movement of the Spirit.
Something in me doesn't want to like David's blog, but I do. Don't know why. I want to be a cool kid, like David, but I never will be. I don't have the hair.
Rachel is cool. She's young, hip, and pretty. Her rants sound more like a call to mission than just rants. Her design is fabulous. How else would a cool kid look? I want to read Rachel just in hopes that it will make me cool. It won't. My design will always look a little round on the edges.
Darryl Dash is cool. How could he not be with two r's in so cooly placed in his first name? And what a swooping last name. Darryl is always in the cool comments. Always an encourager. I'm not sure if he didn't break into the cool group. Not sure he was an orignal. Good going Dash! His blogroll is a roladex of cool.
Creech is cool. But is he cool in the right way. Saved by the Bell always had its Screech. Do you see a connection? You are right. It is probably only in the rhyming names. But Screech was cool. He went on to teach at Bayside. Everyone else went their own way, probably got a Cocaine addiction, divorced, a heart attack on the way to the top, but Screech was real people. Everyone probably ended up envying him.
Jordon Cooper is the king of cool. And deservedly so. Coop doesn't have the hippest blog or the best design or the best wording. He is Jordon Cooper. It doesn't get any better than that. Coop can "handle the truth," yet Coop is As Good as It Gets with a surprising gentle side too.

My only link to the cool world is Darren Rowse. But it is no surprise. Darren is an underblog (underdog) king. He loves to let people in. He cares about people. He wants people to feel good. Three cheers for Darren Rowse for inviting me to the cool party! Darren is tough as nails (We Were Soldiers) but even so his humaness is so evident.
Every social group has a kinship. Certain people are in. Others are out. And you can't do a lot to change it. You can't just include (at least more than one) anybody in the group. Everyone knows they don't belong. Square Pegs.
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