Thursday, November 10, 2005

Christmas - A chance to start over

Trying to figure out my Christmas theme of sermons.

Christmas - A time to start fresh
Christmas - A chance to start over
Christmas - The gift of a fresh start

My theme is God brings a newness with gifts and a recreation of our heart and a new opportunity.

Do any of these catch your interest? We want to do some newpaper advertising with this theme.


PD said...

Brian, I am using the themes in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". There are some great themes of Christ and Christmas that surface in the classic. I think that you could find some things in there that fit the themes you are considering.

One for example is that when Father Christmas finally gets back into Narnia, the inhabitants realize that they are given a new start to life without the White Witch.

Thanks for giving me a shout the other day. It's been a long and intense couple of months.

Shawna said...

You know when I think of Christmas, it's more of the anticipation that something even better is coming.

Jesus was born, and while it was significant, it wasn't quite "exciting" yet because he was a baby and he couldn't "do" anything. But it was the promise that was to come through Him that makes His birth such a celebration.

The baby brought hope, but it wasn't until his death that the hope was realized.

Christmas--There's more to come
Christmas--Hope Again

I don't know..just kicking around some thoughts..