Thursday, April 20, 2006


The experiment (life change) started around the beginning of the year with the purchase of a treadmill. My hope was to do 30 minutes three times a week. Then I got sick. I was off for two weeks with no energy and hard to breathe. Since then, I've done about twice a week. The words I wrote about being able to always recover at 3.5 miles/hour seem to have been a lie. Lately, I have to go to 3 miles/hour. But it is still true that I honestly feel much more energetic immediately after I run/walk than if I don't do it at all that day.

1 comment:

dan said...

Good for you, man. I would encourage you to hang in there - and slow-but-steady. I started running/jogging/walking a few years ago (doctors orders). It was really discouraging for a long time - because I never really liked running all that much. It was SO MUCH WORK! Now I do it as much for the emotional/mental aspect as the physical (though I'm presently on the disabled list - and it's driving me nuts). I find it much better to do in front of the tv. :)