Saturday, August 09, 2003

Jon Reid Explains RSS in English!

blog one another: What's this XML thingy?:

How do you keep up with all the blogs you're interested in? Chances are you click on each link in your blogroll (or perhaps someone else's blogroll), and see if anything is new. But thanks to the wonders of RSS, I don't have to do that for my 'blogs with XML'. Instead, I fire up NetNewsWire Lite, a free RSS reader for Mac OS X. (You can find an RSS reader for any computer platform.) It goes out and checks all my favorite XML-equipped blogs, informing me when someone posts something that I haven't read. What's more, I have it set up to check for new posts every 30 minutes, so I know pretty quickly when something is new -- without going to each blog and checking it myself."

Now let's say you have a blog of your own. How do you go about syndicating it so that I can subscribe? Let's make it harder and say you're using Blogger. Well, one possibility is to upgrade to Blogger Pro, which I believe offers RSS support. But say you're a tightwad who doesn't like to pay when there are free alternatives. What you do then is add your blog to blogmatrix, which will scan your blog periodically and generate RSS for you. Don't forget to publicize what you've done -- otherwise I won't know that I can point my RSS reader at your blog. You will have to modifying your template to add a link to your RSS URL. It's not that hard; blogmatrix will show you what to copy and paste.

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