Friday, August 22, 2003

Friday Five

1. When was the last time you laughed? When Gil left the office. I've laughed a lot the last few days. I wish more people were laughing when I tell a joke instead of just me laughing really hard!

2. Who was the last person you had an argument with? Probably my wife. We tend to both be "argumentative."

3. Who was the last person you emailed? My whole Crossover mailing list with a prayer update on a young man from our town who was hit by a grenade in Kuwait. We are praying that his reattached arm and hand will not become infected and that he will regain use of the limb.

4. When was the last time you bathed? Not recently enough. But I shower every morning. Otherwise I would have to wear a hat besides smell.

5. What was the last thing you ate? Smorgasboard (leftovers) lunch. Pizza, chop suey, McRib looking things, corn chips. Mmmm! Healthy!

Being that no one comments on my blog except one guy from Australia (who I believe fell off the earth, though it could be that the water swirls the other way down there) and one guy from Washington, and Gil, if I say "This is for you Gil," and Shawna just because she pities me, but noooooooo comments from Tom, Lance, Dan, ... Look out I'm naming names!! My mom reads this. But any comments? Nope. "A blog only your mother could love." I guess not........

OK, I'm alright. I've been really goofy the last two days. Nobody knows how to react. Maybe you would like to comment on that?

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